Types of Programming Languages

By: Madhusudan Babar

Types of Programming Languages

Programming languages are classified into mainly 3 categories: 1) Low Level Programming Languages 2) Medium Level Programming Languages 3) High Level Programming Languages

Types of Programming Languages

Low Level Programming Languages

These languages are the native languages of a computer. typically these are binary languages or hex codes. Computers work on binary logic i.e. 0s and 1s, and so it's easier for the computers to process these languages.

Medium Level Programming Languages

These languages are intermediate programming languages, which makes use of simple instructions, which can be understood by the computers with some processing, an example could be Assembly language.

High Level Programming Languages

These languages allows a developer to think more of an application rather than the computer hardware, architecture, etc. these are the highest abstraction of hardware.

Execution Of Code

A computer program needs to be translated to machine language first in order to run it. based on programming language, a compiler, interpreter or assembler can be used.

What is an Assembler?

Assemblers take the assembly language code to the machine level language. assembly language is set of instructions called mnemonics which are fed to the assembler and translated into machine level language.

What is a Compiler?

Some Programming languages need to be processed before their execution, these processing is done by a compiler, a compiler takes the code and converts it into the machine level language depending on the hardware of that system.

What is an Interpreter?

interpreter is also similar to the compliler, but the key difference here is the interpreter transates the code to machine language line by line, hence it reads, interprets and executes the lines sequentially, hence it is called as interpreter.

Computer Programming Languages & Basics

Explore the types of computer programming languages, their use cases and essential concepts. Gain a solid understanding of computer programming.

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